FM Marin
FM Marin offers boat owners, all over the world, level indicators that increase comfort on board. Their products are quick to install, easy to use, reliable and contribute to a better environment.
Gobius level indicator for water, oil, diesel, gasoline and waste
Gobius is the first and only level indicator in the world that can measure the contents in tanks made of any material, such as plastic, stainless steel, steel, aluminum and fibre glass, from the outside. Since it measures from the outside, cleaning the tank or drilling holes is unnecessary.

Learn more about Gobius :
Gobius tank level indicator is based on patented and innovative Gobius Technology. The technology is best described as "knock and listen". Every sensor that is placed onto the tank wall consists of a shaker and an accelerometer. When the shaker creates a vibration in the tank wall, the accelerometer measures the size of the vibration and passes the data on to the control unit.
For all tank materials
- Stainless steel
- Steel
- Aluminum
- Polyethen plastic
- Fibre glass
Optimize for your need
- Flexible choice of lower and upper alarm level
- Calibrate when tank is empty or full
- Measuring interval 1, 5, 10 or 20 minutes
- Start/Stop pump and open/close motorized valve when tank is full or empty
- Add an external analogue display (VDO)
Very easy to calibrate
No tanks look the same. There are always differences in e.g. size, construction,
thickness and age. In order to compensate for these differences you have to calibrate
the tank before you start to use your Gobius. However, the calibration only takes a
few seconds; all you need to do is to press a button.

Gobius installation on vacuum collecting unit onboard the vessel M/S Stena Jutlandica.
Please see the Gobius Leaflet.